"Operation Safe Gate" Announcement

As of February 5th, only DoD ID cardholders will be allowed through the McKenna Gate (Gate 1) weekdays from 5 to 9 a.m., excluding holidays.


Simulation Center

Medical Simulation; ensures Provider Competency, reduces Medical Errors, improves Patient Safety, and reduces Healthcare costs.

DDEAMC Simulation Center

The United States Army Medical Department's Central Simulation Committee was formed in April, 2007, to meet the need for simulation training to help providers be "trained, competent, safe, and ready". The Eisenhower Medical Simulation Center is one of 10 Military Treatment Facilities to meet the need for simulation training, and is the largest in the Southeast. Funding is provided by the Advances in Medical Practice and the United States Army Medical Command. The members of the CSC are Directors of Medical Education, Specialty Advisors (appointed), Simulation Medical Directors (appointed), Simulation Administrators, and Program Directors from each of 10 facilities: Darnall AMC, Dewitt ACH, Eisenhower AMC, Madigan AMC, Martin ACH, NNCC/USUHS/Walter Reed AMC, SAUSHEC/Brooke AMC, Tripler AMC, William Beaumont AMC, and Womack AMC.

What is Medical Simulation?

Simulation is a training and feedback method in which learners practice tasks and processes in lifelike circumstances using models or virtual reality, with feedback from observers, peers, actor-patients, and video cameras to assist improvement in skills.

Computer-based medical simulation provides a realistic and economical set of tools to improve and maintain the skills of health care providers adding a valuable dimension to medical training similar to professional training in aviation, defense, maritime, and nuclear energy. Medical simulators allow individuals to review and practice procedures as often as required to reach proficiency without harming a patient.

In medicine, sophisticated mannequins, known as patient simulators provides health care professionals with a computer-based patient that breathes, responds to drugs, talks, and drives all clinical monitors in the operating room, e.g., blood pressure and pulse rate. Task trainers provide a simulated subset of functionality, such as how to give a smallpox inoculation or how to insert a chest tube. Computer-based training provides software programs that train and assess clinical knowledge and decision-making skills.

Simulated/ standardized patients allow students to interact with actors trained to act as patients providing students with valuable feedback on, among other things, bedside manner.
Medical simulation is a cross-disciplinary effort that brings together physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals across a variety of disciplines with computer scientists, researchers, educators, and human factors engineers.
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