Health Services

Cardiothoracic Surgery

The Cardiothoracic Surgery Service is a referral service caring for patients (ages 18 years old and up). The service provides the entire spectrum of cardiac, thoracic and vascular procedures. These procedures include on pump and off pump coronary artery bypass surgery utilizing endoscopic vein harvesting, valve replacement or repair surgery, as well as other heart surgery procedures.

Thoracic surgeries include videoscopic assisted lung biopsy, lobectomy, wedge resection and the whole spectrum of thoracic, lung, chest and esophageal procedures. Vascular procedures include endoscopic repair of aortic aneurysms and additional types of vascular surgery repairs.

Scheduled patient appointments are seen on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. by appointment only.  Patients should check in to the Cardiology Clinic located on the 2nd floor.  You will be seen by the Cardiothoracic Surgery Staff after being checked in and routine vital signs have been completed.

Contact Us




Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.


2nd Floor
300 East Hospital Road
Fort Eisenhower, GA 30905

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