Hurricane Helene 

If you are a TRICARE Prime beneficiary at Eisenhower Army Medical Center affected by
#HurricaneHelene, TRICARE issued a PCM Referral Waiver. This allows you to see other TRICARE-authorized providers without a referral from your PCM.
Find which ZIP codes are included and other instructions@

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Emergency procedures are in place in multiple states due to Hurricane Helene.
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Health Services


The Hematology/Oncology Clinic serves EAMC's beneficiaries in a multidisciplinary fashion, in order to facilitate the multitude of needs of our patients. Patient needs include complex consultations with a variety of services, ranging from board certified physicians to specialized nursing, nutritional, and chaplain support. Patients may participate in clinical trials designed to improve cancer outcomes.

The Hematology/Oncology clinic is member of two national organizations participating in cancer trials, including the Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) and the National Surgical Adjuvant Bowel and Breast Project (NSABP). The clinic also provides access to several military and pharmaceutical sponsored clinical trials. The clinic has a dedicated treatment unit for chemotherapy and biological therapy administration, and a dedicated satellite pharmacy.

Patient needs outside of the clinic are coordinated with outside agencies as well, such as support groups, home nursing services, and hospice services. The care of patients in the Hem/Onc clinic requires dedication by our personnel, along with patient participation, in order to achieve rewarding and successful outcomes. Our history in the clinic reflects the fact that this is the rule rather than the exception.

Services Provided

  • Oncology/Hematology Consultations
  • Chemotherapy Administration
  • Biological Therapy

Contact Us




Mon - Fri: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m


8th West
300 East Hospital Road
Fort Eisenhower, GA 30905