Health Services

Army Public Health Nursing


Enable Total Force readiness through prevention, promotion, and protection.


Sustain, and enhance ready fit Soldiers and all military beneficiaries that prosper in our surrounding communities.

List of Services

Child Youth Schools & Services (CYSS)
  • Provide health and sanitation inspections of childcare facilities and Family Childcare homes, training staff as needed on health-related matters, and serving as the health consultant on the of multidisciplinary Inclusion Action Team (MIAT)
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
  • Provide treatment, education, and counseling on STI prevention and conducts contact tracing on identified close contacts.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  • All clients diagnosed with HIV and/or a STI infection are to be referred to Public Health Nursing by the Diagnosing/treating Provider.
  • APHN completes risk assessments, provides risk reduction counseling, conducts contact interviews, and follow-up if indicated. APHN ensures that required reporting is completed per federal, state and local guidelines and facilitates partner notification.
Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI) Evaluations
  • Offer education and counseling and provides various treatment options to those who have been diagnosed with latent tuberculosis infection. Assistance with contact evaluation for cases of active tuberculosis is also available.
Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance
  • Conducts data analysis, disease assessment, outbreak investigation, communicable disease reporting and surveillance, and epidemiological investigations and guidance on treatment/management of affected population.
Health Promotion and Wellness
  • Facilitate and conduct education/training on health & wellness related topics as required units and the community at large.
Medical Threat Briefings
  • Provide information on health threats and countermeasures while deployed. Briefings offered by appointment. 
Tobacco Free Living Education
  • Offer education and counseling to service members and beneficiaries who desire to quit using tobacco. (Coming soon, please reach out to Public Health Nursing for information)
Rabies Prevention and Surveillance (Animal Bite Program)
  • Monitor patients started on rabies post-exposure prophylaxis and ensures rabies vaccination series are completed.
Influenza (flu) Vaccinations and Education
  • Assist in planning and conducting annual community outreach influenza vaccination.
Blood Lookback
  • Conducts blood lookback on any identified positive cases from blood products donations.
Pregnancy and Post-Partum PT (P3T)
  • Coordinates education classes with various facilitators and units are responsible for conducting physical training.


Contact Us



Public Health Clinic

DDEAMC, 2nd Floor, directly across from ER Main Entry  
Walk-In: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

LTBI Evaluations

Public Health Administrative Office           
By appointment: Tuesday and Thursday

CLOSED Federal Holidays



Public Health Clinic                                 
2nd Floor, DDEAMC,
Fort Eisenhower, GA

Public Health Nursing Administrative Office
38th St, building 38701,
Fort Eisenhower, GA

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!