School Screenings
Appointment times now available!

All children must be eligible for care at Eisenhower Army Medical Center and enrolled in DEERS (current in Eisenhower DEERS system at least one week prior to screening)
EFMP (Exceptional Family Member Program) priority appointments from 8 - 8:30 a.m.
Registration will be held in the Pharmacy waiting room, 2nd floor of the hospital. Please park in the north patient parking lot, not in the Family Medicine Clinic lot.
NOTE: Appointments are grouped time availabilities rather than a single office visit. The 4-point screening process typically takes over an hour as you move through the stations. Once you check in with our team and fill out the necessary paperwork, you will be guided through the screening process until completion.
Please remember to bring the following:
- ID Card or Current proof of DEERS registration
- Medical Records (if not at Eisenhower)
- Immunization Record (Shot Card)
- Eye Glasses/Hearing Aid
- Medical Power of Attorney (if applicable)
Additional information:
Get Required Health Records to Attend School -
Columbia County School District 4 Point Screening
Richmond County School System Registration Central
Certain immunizations and screenings are required to enroll in school.
Children attending any childcare facility, pre-kindergarten, Head Start program, nursery, or school in Georgia are required to have certain forms on file. The Georgia Department of Health maintains a list of required immunizations and health screenings for children.
Click here for more info.