Forensic Healthcare Program
Provide timely, compassionate, patient-centered, trauma-informed healthcare when: a patient discloses interpersonal violence (IPV) such as sexual assault, domestic violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse and neglect, or other acts of unwanted violence to our Active-Duty Service Members, beneficiaries, DoD Civilian employees, and dependents.
Our Team
(FHP-D/M) Forensic Healthcare Program Director/Manager
Provider, with prescription authority, who oversees the program and staff
(FHP-CC) Forensic Healthcare Program Nurse Case Manager
Provider, who coordinates follow up care and assists with patient care and plan development
(FHE-A) Forensic Healthcare Examiner Adult/Adolescent
Specially trained providers who perform a medical forensic initial examination for a patient aged 12 and up
(FHP-CC) Forensic Healthcare Examiner: Pediatric
Specially trained providers who perform a medical forensic initial examination for the prepubescent patient.
(FHP-CC) Forensic Healthcare Assistant
Medically trained personnel who assist the FHE-A performing non-examination tasks
(FHP-F) Forensic Healthcare Program Follow-Up Provider
Provider, with prescription authority, who provides follow-up care for forensic healthcare patients after their initial exam
Hours of Operation to Receive Care:
Our Forensic Healthcare Program is based out of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center Emergency Department. You can report 24/7 to request Medical & Forensic Healthcare.
Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE):
The most important aspect of the exam is the health and safety of the patient. Patients are offered choices; Any portion of the exam can be modified or not completed per the patient’s request (adults). This exam occurs when there is a complaint of/report of sexual abuse, assault, or rape. DDEAMC staff are mandatory reporters for child abuse.
Background Information
Patient Consent
Patient History
Assault History
Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Toxicology Kit
Physical Exam
Medical-Forensic Photographs
Forensic Samples of potential evidentiary value
Forensic Exam (FHEX)
The most important aspect of the exam is the health and safety of the patient; Any portion of the exam can be modified or not completed per the patient’s request (adults). This exam occurs when there is report of physical violence or abuse. DDEAMC staff are mandatory reporters for child abuse.
Forensic Healthcare Provider Follow Up Care (Recommendations):
Initial 24-72 hours
3 and 6 weeks
Discuss medical needs
Repeat lab work
3 and 6 months
Discuss medical needs
Repeat lab work
Frequently Asked Questions???
Q: Is there a time limit to receiving care?
A: There is no time limit on receiving medical and behavioral health care. However, there are timeframes for the other services we offer.
- Sexual Assault Forensic Exam – 7 Days (168 Hours)
- Legal Drug Facilitated Toxicology Kit – 4 Days (96 Hours)
- HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis – 3 Days (72 Hours)
- Emergency Contraception Choices – 5 Days (120 Hours)
Q: What if I only want to be tested for STIs and receive medications?
A: There are a few options to consider:
- If you wish to not have a SAFE performed, but wish to report the assault and receive Victim Advocate and Forensic Healthcare follow-up services you can contact the FHP-NCM or FHP-D/M
- If you do not wish to have a SAFE exam performed, and do not wish to report the assault or receive Victim Advocate and Forensic Healthcare follow-up services you can present to your Primary Care Provider
Q: Will my command be notified if I present to the Emergency Department for a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam?
A: You will be provided a Victim Advocate that will review your reporting options with you. Your command will only be notified if you choose ‘Unrestricted Reporting’.
Q: Who is eligible to receive Forensic Medical Care?
A: We offer our services to all branches, their dependents, DoD Civilians, their dependents. ANYONE who is a TRICARE beneficiary is eligible for all medical care at DDEAMC, including Forensic Healthcare services.
Q: Who is eligible to receive follow-up care after an Initial SAFE/FHEX?
A: ANYONE who is a TRICARE beneficiary is eligible for all medical care at DDEAMC, including Forensic Healthcare services. If any resource is not immediately available, Tricare referrals and the FHP-NCM will assist with community resources.
Q: Will my exam determine if a substance was used to alter my mental status?
A: We offer a Legal Drug Facilitated Toxicology Kit with limitations.
• Must be within 96 hours of assault
Q: Is your office the same as SHARP/ SAPRO?
A: No. SHARP/SAPRO provides advocacy services. We are a trauma-specific, patient-centered medical resource afforded to patients who are Tricare beneficiaries. While we do work hand-in-hand to provide care to our patients, our focus is medically driven. We provide specialized (forensic) healthcare care.