Hurricane Helene 

If you are a TRICARE Prime beneficiary at Eisenhower Army Medical Center affected by
#HurricaneHelene, TRICARE issued a PCM Referral Waiver. This allows you to see other TRICARE-authorized providers without a referral from your PCM.
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Emergency procedures are in place in multiple states due to Hurricane Helene.
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Health Services

Army Hearing Program

The Army Hearing Program maximizes Soldier and DA Civilian hearing and communication abilities through implementation of the components of hearing readiness, clinical and operational hearing services, and hearing conservation, thus contributing to survivability, lethality, mission effectiveness, and quality of life.

Location of Services

Huber Health Clinic, Building 21712
Baseline and Periodic Hearing Tests (DD2215/DD2216).
Monday - Friday: 8 -11:30 a.m. (last hearing test starts at 11 a.m.),
                            1 - 3 p.m. (last hearing test starts at 2:30 p.m.)

Closed for training on last Thursday of each month.

All hearing tests are performed by appointment only.

Diagnostic Hearing Tests will be scheduled at Audiology/EENT on the Second Floor of EAMC as needed/required by the Hearing Technician at the time of the periodic or follow-up hearing test.

Scope of Services:

  • Performing medical surveillance hearing tests
  • Referrals for clinical fitness for duty evaluation by an audiologist
  • Maintaining DoD monitoring audiometry hearing test equipment
  • Conducting hearing health education briefings
  • Issuance and medical fitting of hearing protective devices
  • Recordkeeping of monitoring audiometry tests
  • Ensuring MEDPROS adequately reflects hearing readiness


Active duty service members and civilian employees, please refrain from hazardous noise exposure to include attending live music venues, motorcycle use, lawnmower and power tool use and the use of personal stereo earphones at least 14 hours prior to the hearing test.
Hearing readiness requirements for Soldiers and noise-exposed personnel (IAW DODI 6055.12, AR 40-5 & DA Pam 40-501):
  • Annual hearing exam.
  • Annual fit/check/replacement of preformed earplugs w/carrying case.
  • Annual hearing health briefing and education.
Deploying Soldiers (from all components) require a predeployment audiogram within the 12 months preceding their deployment. Soldiers will receive a post-deployment audiogram within 6 months of redeployment or in conjunction with their post-deployment health reassessment evaluation.
Frequency Asked Questions:
1. How do I obtain a copy of my hearing test?
All Soldiers and noise-exposed personnel will receive a copy of their hearing test and have their hearing test explained to them at the time of their annual hearing test. We ask that everyone maintain a copy of their hearing test in their personal records. Soldiers can obtain copies of their
DOEHRS-HC audiogram results through their personal Army Knowledge Online (AKO) accounts. This data is located under the "My Medical Readiness" tab in AKO.
2. When will my MEDPROS update?
DOEHRS-HC audiograms from the DOEHRS-HC Data Repository are processed into the MEDPROS hearing readiness to calculate hearing readiness status. MEDPROS uses the date of hearing test and projected hearing profile to calculate the Hearing Readiness Classification (HRC). Soldiers are assigned an HRC from 1 to 4; HRC 1 and 2 designate deployable status (i.e., GO); HRC 3 and 4 indicate that further medical testing is required (i.e., NO GO). This process may take up to several weeks. MEDPROS will not update until all required follow-up testing is completed, as explained by the Hearing Technician or Audiologist. It is recommended that Soldiers maintain a copy of their hearing test as well as provide a copy to their unit. Please contact Hearing Conservation if your MEDPROS needs to be updated.

Contact Us




Mon-Fri: 7 a.m. - 4 p.m., closed from noon to 1 p.m.
Closed for training on the last Thursday of each month.


Huber Health Clinic, BLDG# 21712
Fort Eisenhower, GA 30900