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Affiliation Agreements with Civilian Educational Institutions

If it has been determined by the respective Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Center (DDEAMC) section/department that certain trainees from a civilian institution may be accepted for training at DDEAMC, the civilian institution should send a letter on their organizational letterhead requesting the establishment of an Affiliation Agreement.  The letter must detail the following points:
  • the type of trainee to be trained
  • the degree/certification trainees will receive on completion of enrolled training
  • the name of the agency that accredits the civilian institution
  • the name of the agency that accredits the training program
  • the length of trainee(s) rotations, in weeks
  • the number of trainees per rotation
  • the total number of trainees expected to be instructed in one year
  • the point of contact at the civilian institution who will coordinate the agreement
  • the name/title of the person(s) at the civilian institution who will sign the agreement
  • a description of the content of the required training
  • the level of trainee supervision required AND an outline of preceptor responsibilities and qualifications
  • the evaluation instrument
  • any additional documentation and/or other requirements of DDEAMC as the training site.

This letter with attachments may be mailed or emailed to the directly to the DDEAMC GME Office (see below).

GME Office
Eisenhower Army Medical Center
300 East Hospital Road, Room 4B02
Fort Eisenhower, GA 30905-5650

Contact Us

This letter with attachments may be mailed or emailed to the directly to the DDEAMC GME Office (see below).


GME Office
Eisenhower Army Medical Center
300 East Hospital Road, Room 4B02
Fort Eisenhower, GA 30905-5650

Email:  dha.eisenhower.eisenhower-amc.mbx.ddeamc-gme@health.mil