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Requirements for Civilian Trainees

Step One:  (70-120 days before your rotation) Step Two:  (70 – 120 days before your rotation)
  • Gate Access Paperwork:  Complete the Gate Access Request Form (must be signed by hand) and return it to the GME Office via email with a copy of the front of your driver’s license and social security card.
Step Three:  (70 – 120 days before your rotation)
  • Security Background Investigation:  Complete the GME PSIP Form and Declaration for Federal Employment OF306 (OF306 must be signed by hand) and upload to https://safe.apps.mil/ with your *citizenship documentation.
  • Fingerprints must be taken at Eisenhower Army Medical Center (EAMC) as soon as possible.  Visit the Security Office, 38803 Academic Drive.  Hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:00 to 11:30 a.m., and 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Map
  • Once both the PSIP document is completed and submitted to Ms. Dawkins and your fingerprints are done, the background investigation process will begin.  You will receive an automated email explaining that a background investigation has been initiated.  The email will instruct you to begin compiling the information required on the attached SF-85, so that you will have it readily available to input into the secure e-QIP system. 
  • You will receive another email in 3-5 days with a username and password.  You then have only 5 days to input the information into the e-QIP system. 
  • Request an AKO (Army Knowledge Online) account.
Step Four:  (30-60 days before your rotation)
  • Immunizations:  Fully complete the Immunization Form or if it meets the criteria listed at the bottom of the form, download your student immunization record and return it to the GME Office via email.  Please read the form carefully.  Particularly note that a Tuberculosis Skin Test within 90 days of the start of the rotation is a current requirement.
Step Five:  (Reporting for Rotation)
  • You should report to the GME Office, Room 4B02, 4th Floor of the main hospital building, at 7:30 a.m. on the first Monday of the rotation for inprocessing, unless a different day has been previously arranged.  If Monday is a Federal Holiday, report on Tuesday.
Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!